"You have a great product and I recommend it whenever I can. Incidentally, I replaced Tiny Term with AlphaCom and, personally, for 99% of what I do, it kicks its a**. Keep up the great work." Pete Poggione
"Nice product. I installed [the] demo on a new Dell laptop in my office because of complaints about speed accessing SCO Open Server 5 database.""As soon as [a co-worker] used it, [she] told me to get a license immediately. She claims it is easier to use and 3 times faster with access and transfer over the same line. I don't know if that is true, but she's happy and I am happy with your $25.00 per seat price. Great job." Bill Michael |
"I know that I have said this before, but this is the best product for SCO UNIX that I have ever used and I have used James River, Term, Anzio...you name it." Bill Gann |
"I downloaded AlphaCom and AlphaLPD from the website. My testing indicates that the emulations are correct, even for some of the tougher and more demanding programs that many of the less expensive emulators fail to work with." "As you get a 30 day evaluation period with the download, I'd say [that] this is definitely worth looking at...it is a quarter of the price [of more expensive packages] and may very well have all the features [that] you actually need." A. P. Lawrence |
"Our customers are very satisfied with the AlphaCom product and its simplicity." Richardo Zambrano |
"The patch [that you provided to me] is awesome. It's exactly what we need. I'm going to put this evaluation copy into a limited production use and let our people pound on it for a while." "Yours was a more timely response that I get from any of our current software vendors. What a refreshing change. If it works as I expect, you'll have a new customer." Pat Paxton |
OmniCom Technologies provides free telephone and email support for a 12 month period following the product purchase. There is no charge for downloading updates for the purchased product version during the same period.
You can contact us using the form below. We will make every effort to respond to your questions in one business day's time.
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